Salmon's Takaka Hatchery are making big changes to how they farm salmon. With the help of the AquaWatch team, they have tailored and deployed this cutting-edge water quality monitoring system, which is changing the way aquaculture farms operate.
Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
For years, aquaculture has been reliant on periodic measurements and labour-intensive monitoring systems. But with the deployment of AquaWatch at the intake and throughout the farm, King Salmon is now provided with remote, continuous data to improve the sustainability, monitoring, and health of their water.
"The dashboard delivers high-quality consistent real-time data," said Grant Lovell, a member of the New Zealand King Salmon team, emphasising the transformational impact of AquaWatch's capabilities.
One of the key advantages of AquaWatch is its ability to monitor water quality without requiring massive changes to the existing farm infrastructure. This flexibility allowed the team at King Salmon to focus on their core tasks rather than being bogged down by constant measurements and monitoring.
The AquaWatch tool is at the cutting edge of water quality monitoring and its sophisticated simplicity makes life easier for those needing real-time water data.
"What I like about it is that it just works," says Phil Rose, a representative from King Salmon's Takaka Freshwater Hatchery.
In addition to making water quality monitoring easy, AquaWatch is revolutionising aquaculture in several key ways:
Effective Intake Management: AquaWatch allows for precise monitoring of water intake, ensuring that the farm is sourcing the highest-quality water for its salmon.
Submission Ready Compliance Data: Compliance with regulations is made seamless as AquaWatch generates submission-ready data, simplifying the reporting process.
Scalable In-Farm Insights and Alerts: The system's scalability means that as the farm grows, AquaWatch can adapt and provide valuable insights and alerts.
Accurate, Verified Sensors: AquaWatch's sensors are not only accurate they have been verified to ensure the integrity of the water monitoring data.
By partnering with AquaWatch to tailor and develop water quality monitoring solutions, King Salmon's Takaka Hatchery is now operating efficiently and sustainably. With precise and real-time data they are able to optimise the water quality that healthy salmon need to grow and thrive.